Thursday, August 18, 2011

Saving On Groceries with Angel Food

   Has anyone seen the prices at the grocery store?  I'm looking at the Harris Teeter sales for this week and what strikes me is how high the sale prices are.  So when I try to shop on a budget, I often find myself buying a lot of carbs and not a lot of protein.  One way I combat this is through Angel Food Ministries.
About 90% of this is from Angel Food

   Angel Food Ministries was founded in 1994 by Joe and Linda Wingo of Monroe, GA.  It is a ministry to provide affordable food to people across the United States.  The concept is simple.  Every month Angel Food publishes a menu on it's website.  This menu has several options or boxes. This month the boxes range from $17 (Just 4 Me- After School Fruit and Veggie Box) to $55 (Pastor Joe's Premium Box).  You can buy one box or a combination of boxes.  This is open to everyone.  They do not check family size, income level, or background.  There is a deadline for order's each month.  To find out what it is you must first find a host site.  The host sites are primarily churches (for my non-christian friends you don't have to be a christian for this I've never had anyone preach at me) you simply type in your address and chose the location most convenient for you.  This site will have list it's deadline and pickup time.  In my area there are about three host site's nearby.  The good thing about that is I can choose the one with the best pickup time for me.  For example, this month my online order deadline is August 21 and my pickup time is August 27 from 12:00pm to 2:00pm.  It is extremely important to pick up on time.  They will not save the food.  Any boxes leftover will be donated to a food kitchen.
  So is it worth the trouble?  Well that depends.  Usually the answer is yes.  I look at the menu every month an d decide.  But as a comparison,  let's look at this month's menu and compare it to Harris Teeter sales.  I tried to pick Harris Teeter sales that were similar to what Angel Food was serving.  This month:
 Angel Food's Bread of Life                                   Harris Teeter
1 deli sliced ham                                                    Deli sliced meat: $3.50
Roger Wood Sausage Dogs                                   Beef Franks $4.50
Ground Beef                                                          Ground Beef $7.99
Boneless Chicken Breast 1.5lbs                              Boneless Chicken breast $2.47lb (1.5lbs=$3.71)
Chicken leg quarters 4lbs                                       Chicken Drumsticks $1.27lb (4lbs=$5.08)
Ground Turkey 1lb                                                 Frozen Turkey Breast $1.37lb (1lb=$1.37)
 Steak Burgers 1.5lb                                               Boneless Chuck Steak $3.97lb (1.5lbs=5.96)
Mac and Beef                                                         Quick Sides $3.99
10 other items                                                       
Total: 18 items                                                        Total: 8 items
Cost: $35                                                                Cost: $36.11

I hope this helps.  How do you save money on groceries?

UPDATE:  Sadly, since writing this post Angel Food Ministries has gone out of business.  They will be greatly missed.  I will write again if I can find another similar program.


  1. I am the coupon queen! That's how I save $$ on groceries. :)

  2. I am awaiting DeAnna to help me become the coupon $$King$$.
