It's Monday afternoon, and I'm half way through day one of Project Unclutter. It seems to be going well so far. I can now actually walk into my closet and close my drawers without a struggle.
In her book Unclutter Your Life In One Week, Erin Rooney Doland starts Monday off with the wardrobe. This is a difficult one for me. I am always worried that once I get rid of something then I'll want it again. Some of my clothes have been around for decades. Ms. Doland provides a useful tool, guidlines designed to help weed out what you don't need. For example I have a cute blue sweater that I have had for many years. I like the sweater. It's comfortable and warm. The only problem is that I don't have anything it really goes with. I sometimes take it out and make a futile attempt to match it with something, but end up putting it back. One of Ms. Doland's guidelines is "The item should work in coordination with a minimum of two items in your wardrobe." It is now sitting in my yard sale pile. (Before you feel too sorry for me I have the exact same sweater in black.)
Between the purging, sorting, and relocating the process took about 2 hours. The second task is my office. This is going to be even more challenging, but I am looking forward to seeing the results.
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