Friday, September 2, 2011

Ode to a Timer

  My timer is awesome!  When my time, like a wild beast tries to runaway, my timer helps to keep it.  Sometimes, a task seems so large I fear I shall never finish.  My timer shows me that I can at least do fifteen minutes.  And if this time is not sufficient, I will try again tomorrow and the next day until it is complete.   My timer allows me to spend a little time on the unimportant and free time up for what is necessary.  So at the end of the day when I lay my head down, I know I may not have done all, but I have done what I could.  My home is improving fifteen minutes at a time.

Sample Schedule (Timer): (not my actual schedule)
5:00 Leave work
5:30-7 Exercise
7-7:30 Prep dinner
7:30-8  Eat Dinner
8-8:15 (15) Clean up
8:15-8:30 (15) Vacuum
8:30-8:45 (15) Clean Bathrooms
8:45-9 (15) Clean Hot Spots
9 -11  Relax

* Timer method adapted from flylady's Declutter 15 minutes a day and Home Blessing Hour.

How do you make time to clean?